Evaluasi Penerapan Komponen Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Bakunase Kecamatan Kota Raja, Kota Kupang)
evaluation, ICM components, lowland riceAbstract
Integrated Crop Management (ICM) is an approach to manage agricultural land, water, plants, plant pest organisms, and climate in an integrated or comprehensive manner and can be applied sustainably. The study was conducted in Bakunase I and Bakunase II villages, Kota Raja District, Kupang City. The study was to: examine the ICM components implementation of lowland rice farmers and analyze the impact of the ICM components implementation to increase lowland rice productivity. The study used questionnaires and interviews methods. There were 46 out of 84 farmers as samples, determined by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using the scoring technique by Azwar (2007). The results showed that the farmers fully implemented the ICM components in lowland rice as recommended and increased the productivity of lowland rice. The productivity of lowland rice was 78.28% after applying the ICM component, from 2.39 tons/ha to 5.17 tons/ha. It is suggested that the government needs to monitor, control, and evaluate the importance of the ICM components for lowland rice. The lowland rice farmers expected to stay implementing the lowland rice ICM components.