Respon Petani Desa Tonggurambang Kecamatan Aesesa Kabupaten Nagekeo terhadap Penggunaan Teknologi Perangkap Berferomon Sintetik (Fero-GER) dalam Pengendalian Penggerek Batang Padi Kuning
farmer, response, traps, pheromone, ferro-GERAbstract
The response is a reaction to the feedback value of the object or sensing reflected from the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of very diverse forms of intensity. The study was to 1) determine farmers' response to the use of rice yellow stem borers pheromone trap (Fero-GER) and 2) find out the factors affecting the response. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews before and after the extension on the pheromone trap technology. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results performed that the farmers' response was in a high category. There was a significant difference between the farmers' responses before and after the extension on the rice yellow stem borers pheromone traps. The farmers' response was due to the age, education, farming experience, farming infrastructure, capital, technology characteristics, and quality of extensor. The age, education, farming experience, and technology characteristics significantly correlated with the farmer's response, but only two factors significantly influenced the farmer's response: education level and capital. The two factors' influence could be predicted by a linear regression model: Y = 11.58 + 3.40 X1 + 1.64 X2. The results also informed that to improve the farmers' knowledge and skills, counseling, training or internships, and capital for the procurement of Fero-GER are needed.