Analisis Tingkat Adopsi Teknologi Mulsa Plastik Hitam Perak pada Budidaya Tanaman Cabai di Desa Tesbatan 1 Kecamatan Amarasi Kabupaten Kupang
adoption, chili, farmland area, education, silver black plastic mulchAbstract
One strategy to increase the productivity of chili cultivation was using silver-black plastic mulch technology. The study was to determine the adoption level of silver-black plastic mulch technology on chili cultivation and the relationship between the farmland area and the education with the adoption level of silver-black plastic mulch technology. The research took placed in the village of Tesbatan 1 Amarasi District of Kupang regency. The respondents in this study were 32 respondents. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire-based in-depth interview techniques. The data analysis technique used was the Spearman rank statistic technique. The results showed that the adoption level of silver-black plastic mulch technology was in a moderate category which an average score was 28.43. The t-test analyses showed a significant relationship between the farmland area and level of education with the adoption level of silver-black plastic mulch technology on chili cultivation