Bamboo Straw Business Development Strategy In The West Manggarai KPH


  • LORETHA SANDA Balai Diklat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Kupang


plastic straws, bamboo straws, SWOT analysis


Plastic straws are one of ten types of waste that dominate coastal areas. Reducing plastic straws can be done by using environmentally friendly straws such as bamboo straws. The Forest Management Unit of West Manggarai Regency is trying to develop a business of making bamboo straws using Buluh Lengis bamboo (Schizostachum lima (Blanco(Merr)) or known by the people of Manggarai as Helang through the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) in Kuwus District. This research was conducted to find out and analyze internal factors and externally the development of a bamboo straw business by KTH in Kuwus District and reviewing its development strategy.Primary data was collected from key respondents, namely the Head of the West Manggarai KPH, Field Forestry Extension, KPH staff who are responsible for the finishing process of bamboo straws and KTH members who produce bamboo straws.Data Secondary factors were obtained from various previous reports.The results showed that internal factors that had an influence on the development of a bamboo straw business were management, marketing, finance and production, while external factors that had an influence were economic, social, government and technology. Business development strategies that can be carried out are increasing the quantity and quality of production, expanding markets outside the West Manggarai region by utilizing the internet network, overcoming the problem of limited human resource capacity through training, and working with the government to overcome limited capital and provide better production facilities


Author Biography

LORETHA SANDA, Balai Diklat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Kupang




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